About this time I looked down at my left elbow and no sooner had I looked down when blood started pouring down the inside of my arm. I am pretty squeamish when it comes to blood and I quickly became light headed. Not to mention it was pretty hot and I was probably a bit dehydrated which didn't help matters. There was a nasty wound on the inside of my left elbow. I had taken a golf ball size divot of skin out of my arm and it was really deep. At this point I was pretty out of it. I sat in the street for a few minutes trying to gather myself. I was able to get over to the side of the road and sit in the grass. The next 20-30 minutes is kind of a blur. I think I was in shock a bit. I kept asking Hause if I had hit my head because I was so woozy. He kept reassuring me that I did not and flagged down a car for help. He was able to find a nice gentleman who went home to get his truck and came back to drive us and our bikes back to our cars. We also happened to run across another cyclist who was on some type of long distance east coast cycling journey and he was fully stocked with first aid. He was able to render some assistance and I was able to at least cover my elbow. As I was sitting in the grass I was taking stock of my injuries and wondering whether this meant my season was over. I had road rash on my left leg and up my side, the large wound on my elbow and my wrist was definitely hurting. I was hoping that I had just sprained the wrist but deep down I think I knew that it was broken. It took me about 15 minutes or so before I got my head on straight. We had a 15 minute drive back to the car. When we pulled into the parking lot we just happened to drive by my buddy Moose Herring who is an orthopaedic surgeon (and has really worked to help save my season. I truly appreciate everything he has done for me. I owe him more thanks than I could ever dole out). I flagged down Moose and told him about the crash and he told me that he would go with me to his on call facility. At this point I was feeling okay enough to drive and I drove myself to Ortho On Call.
Moose took x-rays of my elbow and wrist. The elbow was negative but the wrist x-ray showed a probable scaphoid fracture. Unfortunately with scaphoid fractures you often have to wait a week for a second x-ray to truly determine whether it is broken. Moose set my hand in a cast and immobilized my thumb. He irrigated and debrided my elbow and stitched it up as best he could. He also cleaned and dressed the rest of my wounds. I honestly don't know where I would be today if I hadn't gotten such first class care right after the accident. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I banged my elbow so hard that my ulnar nerve went numb. I had no feeling from my elbow to my wrist which was good while he was cleaning out the grit but has been quite annoying over the last few weeks. It has been 26 days since the crash and my elbow is still pretty numb and swollen. I suspect the bone bruise and nerve issue are going to take months to resolve.

I have been able to get back on track after a couple weeks of lesser volume. Last week I was finally able to get back in the water. I was concerned that I would have lost my feel for the water since I had been out for 3 weeks. Fortunately I did not feel too bad and the swim seems to be picking back up quickly. I had a huge volume week this week and have one more monster week in final preparation for Louisville.

During the time I was forced to ride loops in the controlled environment of West Creek, Hause went back to the scene of the crash and snapped this photo. It shows the puddle of blood from my arm on the pavement. The crazy thing is that he took the picture like two weeks after the crash after multiple thunderstorms and it was still prominent on the blacktop.

At this point I look like a walking train wreck and all I can do is laugh. I have got scabbed over road rash, huge bruises, and a brace on my wrist. I look like the walking wounded. But through these little incidents I have chosen to keep my head down and keep grinding. I am not going to let any of this sh*t get in the way of my goals. I am not going to allow any of it to be an excuse to not give my best in training or on race day. If things work out like I am hoping it will just make for a better story. For now, I will continue to put hay in the barn until the big day. I know I have put in a ton of quality training this year and have not cut any corners. Because of that I will be able to live with 9:45 or 13 hours because I know I couldn't have done more in training. I am going to spend the next few weeks fine tuning things and I look forward to racing on August 26. Thanks again to Moose and Dr. G for helping to fix me and keep my dream alive. Thanks for reading!
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