At Ironman they give you 5 bags to store all of your items for the day of the race. The transition area on the day of the race is sterile. Unlike the a regular triathlon, the only thing at your bike rack is your bike.
Here is the rundown of my bags.
Morning Clothes Bag:
This bag is carried with you on the morning of the race. You put whatever items you have in your possession in this bag and hand it over to the volunteers immediately before the swim. I will be wearing a t-shirt/sweatshirt, shorts, and tennis shoes down to the swim start. I will also be carrying my cap and goggles, timing chip, garmin wrist watch and two hammer gels for a last pre-race snack. My shirt, shorts and shoes will go in the bag to be picked up after the race.
T1 Bag:
After the swim you run towards the transition area and pick up your T1 bag. You take the T1 bag into the change tent, get changed and pick up your bike and head out to the bike course. My T1 bag will have the following items- heart rate monitor, bottle of water, honey stinger waffles, race top, chamois cream, gel flask, bike helmet, bike shoes, race number belt, sunglasses and hand towel. I will put my helmet, shoes, sunglasses, heart rate monitor and race top on in the change tent. I will apply chamois cream and towel off my hands. I will place my stinger waffles, and back up gel flask in my back jersey pocket. I will have a cliff bar which I may or may not eat depending on how I feel.
Bike Special Needs:
The bike special needs bag will be picked up on course about 60 miles into the ride. My special needs bag will be pretty simple. Two extra tubes, two extra CO2 cartriges and second bottle of ironman perform/carbopro. I may or may not pick up the bag depending on how Im doing.
T2 Bag:
Coming into T2 we will hand our bikes off to a bike catcher. I will leave my shoes clipped into the pedals. I will run into transition and pick up the T2 bag and again run into the change tent prior to the run. My T2 bag will include my running shoes, visor, fuel belt, arm sweat band, cliff bar, back up tri-top and hand towel. I will take off my helmet and put on my run shoes, visor and fuel belt. I will put my sweat band on my left arm. I may or may not eat part of the cliff bar. I am considering changing tops to a more form fitting top that will hold ice sponges a bit better. Then its time to hit the run course.
Run Special Needs:
The run special needs bag will be picked up at the halfway point of the marathon. My bag will include a can of starbucks double shot espresso, a reese's bar, zip lock bag with toilet paper and band aids and a spare pair of socks. Most likely I will not use the socks. I am planning on running sockless in my newtons so the socks and band-aids are in case I start to get blisters.
So how much stuff does it take to finish 140.6 miles....alot. See for yourself below.....
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